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Blog, Decor, Design, Kitchen, Laundry room, New home Builder, New Homes in Gilbert, Options

Your New Home Lighting Guide:

September 26, 2020, Author: Karen Stanley

Here’s your new home lighting guide to help you set the ambiance in your new home. Find different types of lighting and their purposes, to get a feel for what is available when you’re designing your home.  What types of lighting are used, and where? General Lighting or Ambient Lighting: General lighting enables you to […]

Blog, Decor, Design, Enjoying your new home, housewarming, Things to do at home

15 Ways to Make Your Home Inviting

September 19, 2020, Author: Karen Stanley

Whether for holiday guests this year, or just your own household, make your home inviting with these 15 ideas: Have inviting smells that can be added in a flash. Diffusers, candles, or let dinner set the stage to welcome friends and family in. Clean smells are great for every day, but warm smells which we […]

Blog, Design, FAQ, Gilbert, New home Builder, New Homes in Gilbert, Options

FAQ’s When Building a New Home:

September 12, 2020, Author: Karen Stanley

As you are preparing to build or already building a new home, questions will come up. Find some of our most frequently asked questions and their answers, below, but don’t hesitate to reach out with any other questions you may have. Here are a few frequently asked questions we receive from our buyers when building […]

Blog, Decor, Enjoying your new home, Furniture, housewarming, Moving, New home Builder, New Homes in Gilbert, Organizing

10 Ways to Settle into your New Home:

September 4, 2020, Author: Karen Stanley

Are you ready to settle into your new home? Moving is one of the biggest endeavors, but it’s a prime opportunity to start making your house your home. It can be easy to think we need to set EVERYTHING up, get EVERYTHING unpacked, and look like we’re completely settled in the first week. Maybe there […]

Blog, Design, Gilbert, local, Moving, New home Builder, New Homes in Gilbert

How to Pick Your New Home Builder:

August 21, 2020, Author: Karen Stanley

There are many new home builders to choose from, but be sure you pick the right new home builder for you and your family. If you know you want to build a home, and you know the general area you would like to live in, you’re ready to start looking! When looking to pick your […]

Blog, Enjoying your new home, Kitchen, Organizing

Stocking Your New Kitchen: Grocery List

August 15, 2020, Author: Karen Stanley

Moving into a new home means enjoying a beautiful new kitchen! You’ve had the chance to pick everything from the kitchen counters to the sink and faucet, and you’re now getting to enjoy it! To help you get started on stocking your new kitchen, we’ve put together a list of the main pantry and refrigerated essentials. […]

Blog, Design, Executive Suite, Furniture, Gilbert, Guest House, Moving, New Homes in Gilbert, Options

20 Great Questions to ask When Building a New Home:

August 1, 2020, Author: Karen Stanley

There are a lot of great questions to ask when building a home, but here are 20 to get you started on your home building journey: If you want to know the first 3 things to do once you’ve decided to build a new home, get started here. Questions to ask yourself: What are the […]

Blog, Design, Kitchen, Options

Tips for Designing your Gourmet Kitchen:

July 18, 2020, Author: Karen Stanley

When it comes to designing your gourmet kitchen, find a blend of style and functionality. Take the time to consider questions like, “how much time do we spend in the kitchen?” or “What are all the activities we use the kitchen for, beyond preparing meals?” A the same time, let your new kitchen reflect your […]

Blog, Gilbert, housewarming, local, Moving, New Homes in Gilbert

15 Housewarming Gift Ideas for Your New Neighbors

July 11, 2020, Author: Karen Stanley

When we’re trying to social distance, and housewarming parties are on hold, a few housewarming gift ideas can be just the thing to welcome in the new neighbors. Here are 15 housewarming gift ideas to welcome in your next neighbor, contact-free: Purchase a gift card or two from your favorite local restaurants. It’s a great […]

Blog, Enjoying your new home, New Homes in Gilbert, Options

Get to Know Your New Home: Checklist

July 7, 2020, Author: Karen Stanley

Whether you’ve been in your new home for a week, or a few years, see how well you and your family have been able to get to know your new home, with our master checklist: Safety: Do you know where the breaker box is? Are you familiar with where the shutoff valve for the water […]