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Blog, Decor, Design, Enjoying your new home, housewarming, Things to do at home

15 Ways to Make Your Home Inviting

September 19, 2020, Author: Karen Stanley

Whether for holiday guests this year, or just your own household, make your home inviting with these 15 ideas: Have inviting smells that can be added in a flash. Diffusers, candles, or let dinner set the stage to welcome friends and family in. Clean smells are great for every day, but warm smells which we […]

Blog, Decor, Enjoying your new home, Furniture, housewarming, Moving, New home Builder, New Homes in Gilbert, Organizing

10 Ways to Settle into your New Home:

September 4, 2020, Author: Karen Stanley

Are you ready to settle into your new home? Moving is one of the biggest endeavors, but it’s a prime opportunity to start making your house your home. It can be easy to think we need to set EVERYTHING up, get EVERYTHING unpacked, and look like we’re completely settled in the first week. Maybe there […]

Blog, Enjoying your new home, Kitchen, Organizing

Stocking Your New Kitchen: Grocery List

August 15, 2020, Author: Karen Stanley

Moving into a new home means enjoying a beautiful new kitchen! You’ve had the chance to pick everything from the kitchen counters to the sink and faucet, and you’re now getting to enjoy it! To help you get started on stocking your new kitchen, we’ve put together a list of the main pantry and refrigerated essentials. […]

Enjoying your new home, Gilbert, housewarming, New Homes in Gilbert, Things to do at home

Staying Home? Here are 20 fun things to do at home with your family:

August 7, 2020, Author: Karen Stanley

There’s no place like home, right? When many of us are spending more time at home, however, sometimes we could use some extra ideas when it comes to fun things to do at home with your family. To kick off the weekend, we’ve rounded us some of our favorite ways to spend time at home. […]

Blog, Enjoying your new home, New Homes in Gilbert, Options

Get to Know Your New Home: Checklist

July 7, 2020, Author: Karen Stanley

Whether you’ve been in your new home for a week, or a few years, see how well you and your family have been able to get to know your new home, with our master checklist: Safety: Do you know where the breaker box is? Are you familiar with where the shutoff valve for the water […]

Bedroom, Blog, Decor, Enjoying your new home, Furniture

Hanging Art In Your New Home Like a Pro

June 23, 2020, Author: Karen Stanley

Today we’re answering a few questions all about hanging artwork in your new home. Whether you’ve just moved in, or you’re staging your old home to sell it, there’s something here for everyone when it comes to hanging your art. How high should I hang a piece of art? Make sure you hang art in […]

Bedroom, Blog, Decor, Enjoying your new home

7 of the Best Low-Maintenance Indoor Plants:

May 30, 2020, Author: Karen Stanley

Explore some of the best low-maintenance indoor plants to add to your decor, and help keep the air in your new home, clean and fresh! Don’t have a green thumb? Whether you are a long-time fan of indoor plants, or this is all new, these are some of the most low-maintenance and hearty plants available! […]

Enjoying your new home, New Homes in Gilbert, Options

Staycation, anyone? Tips and Tricks for a Luxury Staycation in your Master Suite

May 9, 2020, Author: Karen Stanley

With spending more time at home, and limiting travel, it’s a great opportunity to bring the celebration or staycation to your own home! Whether it’s an anniversary, a needed break, or the fact that the last moving box is unpacked, celebrate with a luxury staycation in your own home. Here are a few ideas to […]

Enjoying your new home, Moving

Building a New Home vs. Buying a Home: What to Consider

April 11, 2020, Author: Karen Stanley

When it comes to purchasing a home, there is a big question of building a new home vs. buying a home. Here’s a list of 10 things to consider when making that decision: Design: A new home is 100% you. You get to choose all the finishes from the carpet to the faucets, and the […]