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Your New Home Lighting Guide:

September 26, 2020, Author: Karen Stanley

Here’s your new home lighting guide to help you set the ambiance in your new home. Find different types of lighting and their purposes, to get a feel for what is available when you’re designing your home. 

What types of lighting are used, and where?

General Lighting or Ambient Lighting:

New homes for sale in Gilbert Chandler Arizona
The can lights in the ceiling help light the room as a whole, and are complimented by the natural light pouring in.

General lighting enables you to see and go about your daily routines with plenty of light. Your main areas, like the living room or family room, hallways, and bedrooms usually have some form of ambient light. This can come in the form of recessed lighting, or also called can lights, and are built in. Ambient lighting can also come from track lighting or wall-mounted fixtures. With building a new home, our designers have put together the plans for the lighting you’ll need in your various spaces. Most ambient lighting comes standard, and your design specialist will be able to let you know what to expect. 

Task Lighting:

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Pendant lights above the oversized kitchen island make the space inviting and also more functional for cooking

Taking it a step beyond your ambient lighting, task lighting helps you with specific tasks. This could refer to things built in, or lighting added by lamps and other removable decor pieces. For example, anything from a desk lamp to pendant lights over the kitchen counter could be considered task lighting. All of these help you complete specific tasks. Maybe it is added light around your vanity to add functionality. It could also be a pendant light over your night stand for reading.

Usually you won’t have all of your furniture decided on before you make your design choices, but your design center specialist is there to help you think of and coordinate the things that will make your home the most comfortable, functional, and customized to your needs. When it comes to task lighting, we offer a variety of pendant lights that can be added to your new home plan. 

Accent Lighting:

New homes for sale to build in Gilbert Chandler Arizona
Accent lights aren’t confined to the indoors, but can also include lights that highlight architectual designs and even landscaping features

This lighting is all about setting the mood and creating an atmosphere. These often come with dimmer switches so you can set the tone with the amount of lighting. They compliment other lighting and add an emphasis to things like a piece of art. Accent lights tend to come in the form of picture lights, wall-mounted fixtures, or track lighting. For more on mood and lighting, check out this article, here.

Natural Light:

New homes for sale in Gilbert and Chandler Arizona
These fully-retractable panoramic glass walls help fill the great room and kitchen with natural light during the day

We can’t address lighting without addressing natural light. This is one of our personal favorites at New Village Homes. Unlike other forms of light that can be increased by adding fixtures, one of the best ways to let light pour into your great room floor plan is with our fully-retractable panoramic glass walls. There is nothing like natural light to fill a space. The option of being able to open up the glass walls and create an indoor-outdoor living space is an entirely other benefit. Come visit our models to see what the panoramic glass walls add to the home when it comes to lighting, entertaining, and more. 

Wondering where to start with making your design choices for your new home? Come and tour our models, visit us during our Saturday browsing hours at the design center, or here are 6 ways to jump into designing without leaving the house! Our design center specialists would love to let you just browse or help you choose the design features that will be a part of your new home. Don’t hestiate to contact us today!