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Blog, Executive Suite

5 Tips for Working from Home

April 4, 2020, Author: Karen Stanley

With many people working from home to help slow the spread of COVID-19, we’ve been thinking about ways to make this transition successful. After reaching out to those who usually work from home, we’ve compiled a few helpful tips:

  1. Having a routine was the most common response, and creating one and sticking to it, helps you start the day strong. Some get outside and exercise or take a walk if possible. Eating breakfast and getting ready for the day set you up for success when you start working.

    Creating a routine helps you stay on track and be the most productive
  2. Gratitude and looking on the bright side are one of the keys to success. This is a unique time with unique challenges, but also unique opportunities. Make a list of all the benefits of working from home to help focus on maximizing the opportunity. Maybe for you, the bright side is not having a commute. Maybe it’s lunch breaks with your family or more time to exercise. Whatever they are, focus on the benefits.

    What opportunities do you have now that you didn’t have at the office?
  3. Designate a place to work. Not all of us have access to a home office, but create a space you can designate for work. Just as many of us associate the office with work, decide where you will work every day, and try to keep the work there. Not only does it help you focus and stay productive, but it also lets you distinguish between work and home. When you walk away from that spot at the end of the day, you can focus on being home.

    Whether it is a home office, loft or bedroom, designate a space to work.
  4. Set aside time for intentional relaxation and fun. It is easy for the lines between work and home life to get blurry. Set times where you can just enjoy time with your family. Since you are home, maybe it’s playing a short card game with your kids at lunch. Maybe it is setting aside an evening once a week for date night. Whatever it is, create boundaries between work and home so you can be present for each when it counts.

    Intentional breaks give you a chance to reset and go back to work refreshed
  5. Move every day. Whether taking a walk, doing yoga on the patio, or stretching before getting into bed, find a time to move. As a bonus, take it outside and enjoy the fresh air and some sort of exercise. It helps our minds stay clearer and can help our physical, mental and emotional health.

    Getting outside, or moving around in the house is a great way to help keep your mind clear and ready for work

Whether it is usual for you to work from home, or this is new for you, there are opportunities to be found amidst the challenges we face. At New Village Homes, we are ensuring that those wanting to build their new home can continue their plans, while staying safe. We’re providing virtual tours of our new models, and appointments can be made by contacting us. We hope you and your family are staying healthy and safe.