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Blog, Executive Suite, New Homes in Gilbert, Options

5 Reasons to Love a Home Executive Suite

January 18, 2020, Author: Karen Stanley

One of our most sought after options we offer is an executive suite, right off your new home. One of the reasons is that they are extremely helpful for those who work from home. However, any homeowner wanting a designated space for finances, and other personal affairs would love an executive suite as part of their new home. For that reason, we’ve compiled the top 5 reasons to love an executive suite with your new home.

Desk and computer in home office

1. You create your work environment

Whether working from home or using the space to work on projects, perfect hobbies or keep track of the many responsibilities of a homeowner, you get to create the environment you will be working in. Whatever inspires you, and makes you want to spend time in the space, is welcome.  If you crave simplicity and open workspace, create the atmosphere in an executive suite, off of your home, away from the everyday busyness of life.  Maybe art is what inspires you, and your space needs to be conducive to your forms of creativity. Wall art is an excellent addition to any workspace. Another thing to consider is making it a comfortable space, with more of a library or study feel. Whatever your style, you determine the environment when you have a home executive suite, right outside your new home.

home office in new home Gilbert
Whether you love a minimalist workspace or a warm and welcoming suite, an executive suite gives you the space you need to find success

2. Work and bills get to stay in the executive suite

When walking in the door of your home after a full day at work, it feels good to leave work at the office. That can be a difficult task for those who work from home. However, an executive suite gives you a place to designate just to work. For those who work out of the home, an executive suite is just as valuable. Managing finances, investments, or the other responsibilities of a homeowner requires attention and concentration, but no homeowner wants to spend the bulk of their time focusing on that. For instance, an executive suite can be a designated place to keep finances straight, discuss financial decisions in private with a spouse, or work on time-sensitive tasks. The beauty of an executive suite off of the home is the ability to walk away and simply enjoy being home.

finances in new executive suite
Designate the suite as the pace for finances and paperwork to keep the clutter down in your home

3. Quiet space to concentrate, focus and be more productive

Working from home is an amazing opportunity, but it definitely has its struggles. When it comes to not being pulled into other tasks, you can only step away so often. With that said, being available if someone needs something is wonderful, but give yourself a designated space to concentrate with your own executive suite. You may even find you will accomplish more when you hae that kind of designated space, while still being right outside your own home.

shoes at front door of home
If you’re looking for a way to be close, but still get work done at home, the optional executive suite gives you the flexibility you’ve been looking for

4. A space to meet clients, at home, yet outside the home

One of the difficulties of working from home is finding a space to meet with clients or others while keeping the privacy and separation of your own home. Finally, there is a solution with the space of a home executive suite. You can invite them to come to you, in a comfortable, professional setting. This type of space makes last-minute appointments or meetings possible, without even disrupting family life.

woman checking phone in home office
The executive suite is the prime place to meet with clients while keeping your home, private

5. Save money working from home

This one might go without saying, but for those who work entirely from home, extra expenses are cut down immensely. Your daily commute turns into walking out the door and taking a few steps to your home executive suite. Eating at home tends to be far less expensive than eating out with coworkers, and possibly more enjoyable to get breaks with family. With a home executive suite as a business owner, there would be no need to rent a personal office space. Beyond saving on expenses, some spaces can even become a tax write-off depending on the business.

Building a new home is the ideal time to consider your lifestyle needs. Ask about our floor plans with an optional executive suite at our new home design center, or explore our floor plans online.