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12 Ways to Make Moving into Your New Home Simpler

June 27, 2020, Author: Karen Stanley

Your beautiful new home is built, you’ve closed on the house, now start packing on the right foot with 12 ways to make moving into your new home, simpler!

First, let’s talk about preparation.

Since there is a timeline with building, this can become the golden move! For example, if you were given two days to move, the main goal would be to get everything out of the old house, into the new, and to do it as quickly as possible. When you know months ahead of time that you will be moving into your new home, you have far more time to prep to make moving day easier.

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Small preparations can go a long way when it comes to simplifying the move. Just remember, all of your moving efforts put you one step closer to celebrating in your new home!

Whether you have two months before you move, or two days, here are 12 ways to make moving into your new home smoother!

  1. Take the chance to eliminate any items you no longer want and/or need. (Leading up to your move) As you put away clean laundry or organize parts of your home, make mental notes on what you don’t want to have come with you to the new house. It is never too early to start decluttering!
  2. Schedule the movers, and/or moving truck, sooner, rather than later. Be sure to check out what the cancelation policies are in case plans need to shift. You can also find a list of who to notify when you move, here.
  3. LABEL, LABEL, LABEL. Whether you buy pre-made labels, color code by room with colored labels/stickers, or use masking tape and a sharpie, make a system for boxes. This is one of the biggest ways to make moving into your new home, simpler.

    new home builders in Gilbert Arizona
    Go simple with sharpies and masking tape to label your boxes, as an inexpensive way to stay organized
  4. Designate the “last man out, first one in,” box. Better yet, purchase a sturdy bin with a lid. This is the box of things you do not want to have to live without. Ex: Medications, the car keys, cell phone chargers, important paperwork, and even a roll or two of toilet paper. After all is moved out, pack this box in, or put it in the car, and then it is the first box to be moved into your new home.
  5. Stay hydrated. Pick up a case of water bottles that you and whoever is helping can easily grab on moving day, and while packing.
  6. Look into purchasing bins for any long-term storage items. Anything you don’t need quick access to, but will be putting in some form of storage, will do well in a bin with a lid, as opposed to a box.
  7. Pack up a room at a time, with the least-used items first. It might be helpful for each family member to pack a suitcase for two or three days. That’s a great way to be able to pack up bedrooms sooner rather than later.
  8. Make a moving menu, and then pack the kitchen. Pick up paper plates and plastic cups so the dishes can be packed. Plan out meals that don’t require cooking supplies, or plan on eating out for a day or two, so you can pack your kitchen. We’re talking cold cereal, PBJ’s, or other super low maintenance items. You’ll be enjoying your new kitchen before you know it!

    new homes for sale in Gilbert Chandler Arizona
    Simple no-cook meals or restaurants that deliver help keep everyone fueled and happy during the move
  9. Make plans for kids that are too young to help, and for the family pets. Not only will it be safer while furniture is being moved around, but they and you will have a far more enjoyable moving day.

    tips for making your move smoother
    Having a neighbor’s kids or pets while the family is moving can be one of the biggest ways to take some stress off the move
  10. Have everything packed that you possibly can before the moving team gets there. This seems obvious, but the easier it is for them, the faster it will go.
  11. Even though time is precious, try to get a good night’s sleep the night before. Having a clear mind and energy is key to a successful moving day.
  12. CELEBRATE! When you finally get to sit down, however late it is, take a moment to soak it in. You just moved into your new home! Remember when you first decided to build? Your new home is now a reality, and that calls for a celebration!

What stage of the moving process are you in?

Are you trying to get your old home ready to sell? Or are you just meeting with our design team to create the plans for your new home? Build a home you can celebrate moving into, with our team at New Village Homes. Come see what our homes are like by visiting our models, or scheduling a time to meet at the design center.